Yongquan Martial Arts Association
Oxford Xing Yi operates under the auspices of the Yongquan Martial Arts Association, in which Damon is one of the five senior teachers. The association was founded in 1994 by one of Damon's teachers, Sifu Raymond Rand, under the guidance of Sifu Rand's teacher, Master Lam Kam Chuen.
foXfist is a martial arts cross-training group based mainly in the south west of England and Wales. Damon was one of the co-founders. The idea is to get as many different martial arts as possible into the mix. Several members are military or ex-military, and foXfist consequently has something of a combatives focus. foX stands for "friends of cross-training".
Xing Yi Academy is an online Xing Yi school and YouTube channel run by one of Damon's students, Paul Andrews. It features appearances from some of this other students, particularly Jon Doveston.
The school of Tai Chi Chuan and Brazilian Jujitsu instructor Graham Barlow in Bath. Graham also has quite good knowledge of Xing Yi.